Access Auto

All you need to know about remote starters

Investing in a remote starter for your car will make life a whole lot easier, especially if you live somewhere that experiences extreme weather conditions. However, with so many options to choose from it can be hard to know which one is best for you; the following guide will help.




What are they?

Remote starters are radio controlled devices designed to start your vehicle from a remote location, allowing it to be warmed or cooled to a set temperature for your arrival. They are commonly operated by way of a small transmission device though some can even be controlled using your smartphone.

What are the benefits?

Temperature control – Never again will you be forced to deal with freezing cold or sweltering conditions inside your vehicle.
Engine protection – Studies have shown that warming your vehicle prior to driving it can reduce the risk of damage, particularly in cooler climates.
Increased value – Investing in a remote starter will boost the value of your vehicle.
Peace of mind – Two way and smart car starters provide real-time updates on the status of your vehicle, so you will never need to worry about whether your car is secure.

Are they safe?

Absolutely! Remote starters are designed with maximum security in mind. Even if someone forces entry into your vehicle after you have started it, the engine will shut off automatically.
Some starters offer a far greater range. Why is this necessary?
When there is nothing between your remote starter and your vehicle the range required is simply the distance between the two; however, doors, walls or even windows can interfere with the radio transmission. Remote starters with a longer range ensure that you can start your vehicle from almost anywhere.

What are the main types?

One-way remote starters – These entry-level starters are designed to simply start your vehicle using a small transmitter.
Two-way remote starters – Designed for two way communication, these sophisticated units will not only start your vehicle but also provide you with real-time information, such as its temperature and security status.
Smart remote starters – These high tech devices allow you to start your car using your smartphone. They have a virtually limitless range and can incorporate additional features such as keyless entry.
If you are in the market for a quality remote starter and would like some professional advice, talk to the experts at Access Auto. We’d be happy to help. Our showroom is located at 5457A Av Royalmount and our phone number is (514) 466-1290.
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