Due to the cold winters that we have been having these last few years, we find more and more customers that are looking for a remote starter solution for their vehicles. Remote starters can benefit their owners greatly. First, you can start the vehicle from inside your house, sparing the run out to your vehicle early in the morning when its -20C outside. Also, you can properly warm up your vehicle so everything is up to operating temperature before you leave in the morning. These are the benefits that a customer was looking for when he came in looking for a remote starter solution for this Subaru Forester. This installation was unique as his vehicle was equipped with a manual transmission, making the installation slightly more involved. Thankfully the team here at Access Auto have become experts installing remote starters in all makes and models of vehicles.
For this installation, our technicians had to install a remote start system that was compatible with a manual transmission vehicle. The 1-way Compustar 7200 was the unit of choice. A manual transmission makes the install more difficult as the module for the remote starter unit must receive a signal to ensure the vehicle is in neutral and the parking brake is applied before starting the vehicle. Just imagine if someone didn’t install this unit correctly. You would start your vehicle in the morning, and if it was in gear, next thing you know your vehicle would zoom across the street and into your neighbor’s house. Not a good way to start your day. Thankfully our experienced technicians have done this before so they know how to install these systems properly. As with all of our remote start installations our technicians completed this job by properly connecting all wiring connections and properly routing and securing the wiring. Our technicians generally install the remote start modules under the dash which provides a dry and protected area preventing possible damage to the unit.
Contact us now to find out how we can install a remote start on your vehicle and have you nice and warm when you leave for work on those cold winter mornings.
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